Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Are YOU up for a CHALLENGE?

As you know the last 3 months we worked on memorizing D&C 4. Many of you did it. I am so proud of those who took the time to learn and hopefully grow spiritually.

It is now a new quarter and as a RS Presidency we are challenging you to read the lessons till the end of the year in RS. How great could are lessons be? What could you add to the teachers study? How many blessing will be poured onto your heads? We challenge you to find out.

Ladies Lunch Bunch

Do you want Tricks or Treats? Well we are all up for a big treat at JASON'S DELI. Yup It's Ladies Lunch Bunch. 10-15-09 @ 11:30 am. Come enjoy the sisterhood....oh yeah and the lunch.

Quilting Bee here is the deal, we have a sister in our ward who had a baby, and I looked for a blanket to give her from RS , and guess what? We are all out! How could this happen...well it is time to remedy the situation. I propose that monthly we have a Quilting BEE. We'll work on different quilts one at a time, learning new skills and more than anything providing a service and HAVING FUN.Join me Tuesday 10-13-09 (same time as yogurt class....if you don't want to learn about yogurt) 7pm in Priesthood room. This week we'll tie a quilt and choose our next type.

Yogurt and Cream Cheese

Last month we saw how to make it. This month we will get our hands dirty and ACTUALLY MAKE IT. Sister Ripa is back with an encore class so we can become Yogurt Making Machines. =-)
The Church Kitchen (more details on what to bring on the way)

The Patriarch is in...what a TREAT

Join us on 10-6 at 7pm to listen to the Patriarch Reagan. We will invite the Priesthood to come enjoy with us.

There will be a nursery
Refreshments served after. If you are interested in helping with snacks please e-mail me