Friday, December 4, 2009

Service Project

In this Christmas time of year we would like to offer some Relief to the people in need from the Victoria Area. We have found that the Salvation Army is not meeting the needs of the people because of the increase of those seeking assistance. In July 340 people needed food baskets and in September 1,800! Let's dig deep, gather non perishables, baking goods, & holiday extras so that some families can have a little something for Christmas.
You can bring your items to any activity!, but we will stop on Dec 20th (Sunday). Please contact those sisters you Visit, sometimes they just need to be offered an opportunity to serve. Please check the link below and watch a video from our local news.
If you have questions Call Sister Linley 578-1963

Craft Night Continued

The weather sure was bad on 12-1. So....we decided to add another day to the craft night. So don't worry about taking your stuff home and trying to figure it out alone. Come up Tuesday 12-8 @ 6:30 pm. I didn't get to finish all of my crafts so I'll be bringing them to finish. If you don't need to finish but want to visit there will be a baby blanket set up. 1st Ward is invited and Sister Ripa will be there (don't forget to pay her)